Selecting the right shower screen glass for your home
Posted on: 10 January 2017
For a while, there was a trend of using frosted glass to envelope showers. These days, though, the most common form of shower glass tends to consist of completely transparent shower screen glass. One of the biggest reasons for this is aesthetics. As is the case with most forms of modern design, there has been a dramatic shift towards minimalism.
Nevertheless, you need not limit yourself to the trends of the day; for example, you can build off the minimalist motif of plain transparency by using a dark tint. Alternatively, the frosted design can be replicated using a modern twist. What this essentially means is that you could select a blurred glass panel that increases privacy in the case of a shared en-suite situation, for example. It also has a very enticing, aesthetically appealing feel to it.
However, if you're looking to play upon the modern aesthetic in an innovative fashion, it's difficult to go past the black grid design. The steel shower enclosure features a stylish black grid layout that encapsulates striking modern design. Complemented by white brick tiles and black tiles (as pictured), this design is bold and intriguing. Shower screen manufacturers revel in the proposal of interesting concepts that take the road less travelled. It also will give your bathroom an air of class and sophistication.
Another thing to consider is your current building status. This is important for a number of reasons. For example, if you're renovating a bathroom or ensuite, it is important to consider the other parts of the bathroom. If you already have your tiles and plumbing in place, then you would ideally make considerations accordingly. There is no sense wasting thousands of dollars to adjust the plumbing and replace tiles just for the sake of following through on a specific design. On the other hand, if you have a clean slate to work with, then it makes much more sense to take a more creative approach when selecting a suitable shower screen.
Whatever route you decide to take, it is crucial that you select shower screen glass that can stand the test of time. (Specifically, it must be strong enough to withstand forceful knocks.) Obviously, one of the things that makes using glass such a popular choice is its longevity. In fact, scientists have estimated that a simple glass bottle could theoretically last at least one million years before it would decompose.