Choosing carpets for your hallway
Posted on: 10 November 2016
Hallways are a high impact area of the house, as they are one of the first rooms that a visitor will see. However, as this area is also a high traffic it's important to choose a carpet that wears nicely as well as looks great.
Here are some tips to help you choose a hallway carpet that will look good for years to come.
Choose the right material
While wool carpets and silk runners look great, they don't tend to wear as well. Unless you have the money to keep replacing the carpet every few years, it can be sensible to opt for a harder wearing material such as a nylon or blended wool/nylon carpet for an area such as the hallway.
Choose a lower height carpet
While higher and 'fluffier' carpets can look fantastic in the showroom or an interiors magazine, they easily show footprints and directional markings from vacuum cleaning. This means for an area that gets a lot of traffic, such as a hallway, they can look much flatter and will show all of the marks of the wear. A lower profile carpet is often a better idea.
Get your carpet professionally cleaned
Carpets should be professionally cleaned every 12-18 months depending on exactly how much wear the carpet gets (house with pets or heavy soiling may need more frequent cleaning). This allows the carpet to be thoroughly washed, which removes ground-in dirt and debris. If carpets are not professional cleaned, then the dirt can damage the fibres and lead to early fibre breakage and excess wear. Vacuuming can only remove loose dirt and debris but cannot remove older, ground-in stains or damp messes.
Keep some spare carpet
Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and it can be expensive to re-carpet a large area such as a hallway if you have a stain that can't be removed. It can be useful to keep some small offcuts of your original carpet so that if a patch job is needed, then the carpet can be matched perfectly. Even carpet from the same company and shade name can vary slightly from batch to batch, so keeping some of the original material is a good idea to ensure that you can maintain your hallway carpet for many years to come.
Choosing the right carpet for your hallway can help ensure visitors get a great first impression of your home. Why not check out the latest carpets on offer at your local carpet showroom?